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Angelica Yakymets exhibition "Europe through the eyes of Ukrainian"
14 December 2020 18:05

Angelika Yakymets' exhibition "Europe through the eyes of Ukrainians" was opened in a narrow diplomatic circle.

The paintings of the Ukrainian artist take you to the world of travel, where you can admire the charms of Kyiv AndriyivskyiDescent, the Arc de Triomphe, the Eiffel Tower, the French chateau and Ukrainian landscapes.

A. Yakymets was happy to tell about her passion for art since childhood and the realization of her dream in 2016, when she started painting. The artist shared her secrets of inspiration and urged everyone present to never stop dreaming and always continue to move in the direction of realizing of the dreams.

Diplomats and members of their families enjoyed the impressive paintings of the candidate of medical sciences, orthodontist by education and artist by vocation.

We thank Mykola and Tamara Tochytskyi, Angelica Yakymets for holding a wonderful exhibition.

Photos from the exhibition: https://www.facebook.com/UkrainianEmbassyBelgium/posts/2753301848253164

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